Blog Posts Our Blog Posts Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:09:26 +0000 Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:09:26 +0000 How to prevent/mitigate ice damming - Part 2 Mon, 11 Apr 2022 15:04:15 +0000 <p> in a series concerning Ice Damming. </p> <p> This article will discuss steps to help prevent Ice Damming. </p> <p> Some, maybe most homeowners wait for interior damage to occur before calling us. What they don’t realize is that the damage is already done to the wood decking and attic insulation resulting in repairs being more serious than expected.&nbsp; </p> <p> Note that replacing a roof will give you a new roof but it will not resolve the cause of the ice dam.&nbsp; </p> <p> So what will help the fight against ice dams? </p> <p> <img alt="" src=""> </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> <p> &nbsp;Proper insulation – this is the single best solution for preventing ice damming. An insulation contractor can tell you how much additional insulation is needed. </p> <p> 2. Proper ventilation – making sure there is proper attic air intake and exhaust vents is crucial. Additionally, insure the air baffles in the attic are not obstructed. The air will not flow properly if the old insulation or the newly added insulation obstructs the flow. </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> <p> <a href="">Ice Damming Article #3 will discuss what the homeowner can do once ice damming starts forming.</a> </p> Ice Damming - Part 1 Thu, 07 Apr 2022 13:34:09 +0000 <p> <strong>A few hard, cold facts about ice damming:</strong> </p> <p> <strong>First</strong>: A water-protective membrane underneath shingles on a roof does not fight the formation of ice dams. It helps to minimize the damage the already formed ice dam will cause. </p> <p> <strong>Second</strong>: It’s nearly impossible to prevent ice dams completely. Mother Nature – combined with complicated roof designs – make it a matter of when not if the next ice dam will form.&nbsp; </p> <p> You have seen the pretty icicles forming on some roofs -- hanging off the gutters. Your kids are amazed at the sight and want your house to look like that. But you know better!&nbsp; </p> <p> Those icicles form due to ice damming. They may be pretty but they are evil! Here is a list of potential ice dam-related problems: </p> <ul> <li> Damaged shingles </li> <li> Water damage to the overhang (soffit and fascia), roof deck (wood rot), interior walls and ceilings&nbsp; </li> <li> Wet attic insulation (which can reduce its R-Value) </li> <li> Damaged gutters </li> <li> Damaged interior floors </li> <li> Framing damage </li> <li> Mold </li> <li> Dangerous icicles dangling from the roof edge waiting to fall </li> <li> Ants (they are attracted to the moisture) </li> <li> Damage to personal property (inside the attic and house) </li> </ul> <p> <a href=""><em>Next Article – how to prevent/mitigate ice damming.</em></a> </p> The Damage is Done: Now What? - Part 3 Mon, 11 Apr 2022 15:03:55 +0000 <p> This is Article #3 on our Ice Damming series. If you are someone who is learning about ice dams the hard way with water dripping from the ceiling, it’s time to call a professional. Above all else, care must be taken in removing the ice otherwise further damage can occur and you will have an even bigger problem. </p> <p> <strong>Some solutions may include:</strong> </p> <ul> <li> Steaming parts of the roof to melt away the ice dam. Very few if anyone have the equipment and can do this properly. </li> <li> Raking the snow off the roof. Ice dams need a source, namely snow. Ice you rake the snow off your roof you will reduce the likelihood of serious ice damming issues. Raking after an ice dam has formed will stop “feeding” the ice dam. </li> <li> Breaking channels into the ice along the gutters and roof area to allow proper drainage. Done improperly, this method can damage your roof and can exasperate the issue. Great care must be taken in using this method. Done right, it will reduce the flow of water infiltration or even stop it. However, this must be performed every time ice builds up and stops the draining channels. Note, just knocking down icicles is dangerous and won’t necessarily solve the problem.&nbsp; </li> <li> Another method that is rarely mentioned is using Calcium Chloride pellets to help melt the ice. Never use a salt based melting agent on a roof. Some may say even using Calcium Chloride is not advisable.&nbsp; </li> </ul> <p> These solutions may help remove an ice dam, but they won’t stop another ice dam when the next snow storm hits. Remember - Preventing ice dams is the best thing you can do with proper insulation and ventilation. Call us at <a href="https://www.tuscaroraroofing.comtel:17162971208">297-1208</a> for an appointment. </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src=""> </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> Tuscarora Roofing's Brand New Website Mon, 11 Apr 2022 15:04:42 +0000 <p> The creative geniuses at 360 PSG have developed a fancy and exciting new website for us here at Tuscarora Roofing. </p>